Maison Lutetia
Maison Lutétia's Exclusive Offering

Hair transplant

A Comprehensive Solution for Hair Restoration

What is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant, also known as hair restoration, is a medical procedure designed to address hair loss by implanting hair follicles from a donor area to thinning or bald spots. This treatment has become a popular solution for those seeking to regain their former look, achieving a naturally fuller hair density.

Why Do We Lose Our Hair?

The Causes of Baldness

Hair loss is a complex phenomenon that can stem from various factors, but baldness is most commonly linked to androgenetic alopecia, a widespread genetic condition. Approximately 80% of male hair loss cases are due to androgenetic alopecia, while for women, this figure stands at around 40%. This form of baldness is primarily caused by hair follicles' genetic sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone. Over time, DHT weakens the hair follicles, resulting in shorter growth cycles and thinner hair strands. Gradually, this leads to reduced hair density and baldness in genetically predisposed individuals.

Understanding the underlying mechanisms of hair loss enables better approaches to potential solutions. Treatments for baldness often aim to inhibit the effects of DHT, slowing the progression of androgenetic alopecia. Medications like finasteride work by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT, offering a pharmacological solution to male pattern baldness. However, these treatments may have side effects and are not universally effective for everyone.

Alopecia: Differences Between Men and Women

The differences in hair loss patterns between men and women can be significant. Men tend to develop male pattern baldness, characterized by hair loss at the temples and the crown of the head. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to experience diffuse thinning, where hair loss occurs across the entire scalp. While female baldness is often less severe, it can still profoundly impact self-esteem. Women may also be affected by hormonal changes, such as those brought on by menopause, which can cause temporary or progressive hair thinning.

What Are the Best Hair Transplant Techniques?

FUT, FUE : quésaco ?

Two primary techniques are commonly used in hair transplantation: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).
FUE involves the individual extraction of hair follicles from the donor area for grafting, while FUT consists of removing and implanting a strip of tissue containing hair follicles.

Overview of

FUE and FUT Hair Transplant Methods

FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, is one of the earliest hair transplant techniques. It involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, usually at the back of the head, which is then implanted into the thinning area. While FUT has been effective, it has become less popular due to the incision required to extract the strip, resulting in a long, visible scar.

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, is a more recent and favored technique due to its less invasive approach. This method allows for follicle extraction without the need for a scalp strip. The micro-incisions created to extract the follicles heal faster, leaving less noticeable scarring. However, FUE still requires the creation of recipient sites to place the grafts, which can make the procedure detectable. This limitation may also reduce the implantation density, as spacing between the recipient sites is necessary to avoid healing issues.

The Exclusive Advantages of Our Method: DHI

The DHI method, or Direct Hair Implantation, exclusive to Maison Lutetia, represents a major breakthrough in the field of hair transplantation. This technique involves gentle and precise follicle extraction (without any overharvesting) and enhanced accuracy during implantation. Additionally, the DHI method uses a specially designed pen to implant the follicles directly into the bald areas of the scalp. This approach eliminates the need for pre-made channels, allowing for more precise implantation and a naturally hyper-dense effect. But the DHI method offers much more than that!

A Method Far Superior to FUE or FUT

Expert Training for Our Physicians

At Maison Lutetia, our physicians undergo an intensive 18-month training program, specifically focused on the DHI method. During a DHI hair transplant, no unqualified personnel assist in the procedure. Our expertly trained doctors perform the entire process autonomously from start to finish.

Unparalleled Delicacy

The graft extraction process is defined by exceptional delicacy. Specialized tools are used to minimize any risk of transection, while the grafts are preserved in HypoThermosol, a costly but essential solution to maintain their vitality. No overharvesting is performed, allowing for a potential future transplant in case of further hair loss progression.

The Best Follicle Implantation

Our follicle implantation is unmatched. No recipient holes are created, leaving no visible trace of the procedure. Physicians follow an intelligent implantation plan, blending scientific expertise with artistic skill to achieve a natural and harmonious result.

Completely Scar-Free Results

The DHI hair transplant at Maison Lutetia stands out for its scar-free results. Unlike traditional techniques, the DHI method, with its minimally invasive nature and subtle extraction and implantation process, leaves no visible scarring in either the donor or recipient areas.

The Art of Hair Restoration Excellence

Beyond scientific expertise, a successful DHI hair transplant requires a refined artistic vision. Our hyperspecialized physicians must employ an artistic eye to design the ideal hairline, tailored to each patient’s unique features and personal goals. The implantation angle, hair movement, and density work are all aspects where the DHI procedure becomes a true artistic achievement.

A Rigorous Protocol

The DHI protocol is meticulously codified, patented, and standardized to ensure excellence. Our hyperspecialized physicians follow a precise set of steps outlined in the Total Care System's protocol of excellence, enabling the treatment of all stages of alopecia. Unlike other hair transplant techniques, the DHI method at Maison Lutetia adheres to a strict and standardized process.

Post-Procedure Care

Maison Lutetia offers comprehensive post-procedure follow-up care. Quarterly check-ups are scheduled for up to 12 months after the procedure to monitor the progress of the transplant results. A dedicated medical team is always available to answer patients' questions and concerns. Unlike low-cost transplants performed abroad, where patients are often left to manage on their own post-surgery, Maison Lutetia ensures attentive follow-up care, providing patients with confidence and security throughout their hair restoration journey.

Pricing and Cost of a Hair Transplant at Maison Lutetia

A crucial aspect of a hair transplant is the medical environment in which the procedure takes place. Attractive prices abroad often result from the use of lower-quality materials. At Maison Lutetia, quality is paramount. We employ two sets of high-precision, single-use tools, the bio-preservation solution HypoThermosol (typically reserved for organ transplantation), and a semi-sterile intervention block. These high standards ensure the safety and effectiveness of every hair transplant we perform.

Which Clinic to Choose?

The allure of "low-cost" hair transplants abroad is growing among those seeking to address baldness. However, this budget-friendly option often conceals significant risks. These "low-cost" procedures, lacking standardization, do not adhere to a comprehensive global protocol, whether in terms of staff qualifications or tool usage. Attractive prices can lead to irreversible consequences, such as a damaged donor area, an aggravated scalp, visible scarring, unnatural implantation, low density, and undesirable results like a "leek field" or "doll hair" effect. It is crucial to question who is actually performing the hair transplant. Some clinics offering very low rates may entrust the procedure to unqualified individuals or machines with imprecise expertise. In contrast, at Maison Lutetia, hair transplants are carried out from start to finish by an expert physician, accompanied by a specialized nurse throughout the procedure. These human resources are included in the cost of the transplant, ensuring a comprehensive medical approach

Le choix d'une greffe de cheveux "low-cost" à l'étranger gagne en popularité chez ceux qui cherchent une solution rapide et peu chère pour remédier à la calvitie. Cependant, cette option, qui peut paraître alléchante, cache des risques significatifs. Les interventions “low-cost”, non standardisées, ne suivent aucun protocole médical établi, que ce soit en termes de qualification du personnel ou d'utilisation des outils. Ces coûts attractifs peuvent entraîner des conséquences irréversibles : zone donneuse ravagée, cuir chevelu agressé, cicatrices visibles, implantation artificielle, faible densité, effet "champ de poireaux" ou "cheveux de poupée"... Autant d'effets inesthétiques dont le patient porte les marques pour le reste de sa vie.

Il est également important de se questionner sur qui effectue réellement la greffe de cheveux. Certaines cliniques qui affichent des tarifs très bas peuvent confier l'intervention à des personnes non qualifiées ou à des machines à l'expertise imprécise.

Ces pratiquent résultent trop souvent en histoires tragiques de patients témoignant sur les abus qu'ils ont subi. À la Maison Lutétia, les greffes de cheveux sont réalisées de bout en bout par un médecin expert, accompagné d'une infirmière spécialisée tout au long de l'intervention. Ces ressources humaines sont comprises dans le prix de la greffe, garantissant une approche médicale irréprochable. Autrement dit, vous savez précisément ce pour quoi vous payez.

La Maison Lutétia : l'unique établissement à proposer la méthode DHI® en France

One of the primary reasons to choose Maison Lutetia is its exclusive use of the DHI method.
DHI represents a major advancement in hair transplantation, being a non-invasive technique that requires no scalpel and thus leaves no scars. This method is characterized by its gentleness, extreme precision, artisanal craftsmanship, and unparalleled artistic sense. Unlike other methods, DHI allows for the direct implantation of grafts into the recipient areas of the scalp, promoting hyper-density and an exceptionally natural appearance through both intelligent and sensitive distribution of follicles. At Maison Lutetia, the DHI method is performed by qualified expert physicians, ensuring a personalized approach for each patient and achieving aesthetic results.

The Stages of Hair Transplantation Using the DHI Method

The DHI method, a significant advancement in the field of hair transplantation, delivers both aesthetic and natural results. The hair transplant process using the DHI method, particularly at Maison Lutetia, follows well-defined stages to ensure a successful procedure.

Step 1: Initial Consultation

The first essential step in the DHI hair transplant process is the initial consultation. This key moment allows Maison Lutetia’s expert physicians to assess each patient’s specific needs, examine the donor area, discuss expectations, and explain the DHI method. The preliminary consultation enables the customization of recommendations based on the patient’s individual characteristics, ensuring optimal results. Maison Lutetia distinguishes itself through its commitment to high-end service from the very beginning, emphasizing transparent communication and a thorough understanding of patient expectations.

Step 2: Graft Extraction

A custom hairline is designed by our facial aesthetic expert to enhance the patient's features. Prior to starting the procedure, shaving (line shaving, marine cut, or complete shave) is performed to facilitate access to the grafts. The extraction of the grafts follows, a crucial step to ensure the quality of the implanted follicles. A beveled punch is used to core the follicle while avoiding any risk of transection. The time the grafts spend outside the body is minimized to ensure their quality. No overharvesting is performed, allowing for a potential future hair transplant if hair loss progresses. The expertise of Maison Lutetia’s doctors is highlighted in this step, where precision and gentleness in extraction contribute to the viability of the follicles and the overall success of the procedure.

Step 3: Follicle Implantation

The next, equally crucial step is the implantation of the follicles into the recipient area of the scalp. At Maison Lutetia, this step is carried out with extreme precision using the DHI pen, showcasing the artistic craftsmanship and scientific skills of our expert physicians. They implant the grafts one by one, following an intelligent distribution plan, with single follicles to create a clean hairline, and multiple follicles to provide density, ensuring an even and natural distribution on the scalp. Our experts can even reconstruct the swirling implantation pattern found at the vertex! This exclusive method eliminates the need for pre-made recipient holes, avoiding the "leek field" effect, preserving the integrity of the follicles, and promoting healthy regrowth. Maison Lutetia’s expertise in this implantation stage is crucial for creating a natural hairline and homogeneous density, resulting in unmatched aesthetic outcomes.

Step 4: Post-Procedure Follow-Up

Finally, the last step in the DHI hair transplant process is the post-procedure follow-up. Maison Lutetia places particular importance on patient follow-up after the transplant, providing personalized advice, post-operative care instructions, and regular monitoring (every 3 months for 1 year) to track hair transformation: tissue evolution, hair growth, and patient satisfaction. This post-procedure follow-up at Maison Lutetia is a key element that ensures comprehensive support throughout the patient’s hair journey, which is often not possible with hair transplants performed abroad in hair tourism. Patient satisfaction is at the heart of our concerns, supported by the constant availability of our medical team.

Un taux de repousse proche de 100%

À la Maison Lutétia, la méthode DHI® est privilégiée en raison de ses résultats esthétiques supérieurs. Formation médicale soutenue, sens artistique pointu... Les médecins experts élaborent une ligne capillaire sur-mesure en suivant un plan de distribution intelligent qui leur permet d'écarter tout risque de traumatisme pendant la manipulation des greffons, favorisant un taux de repousse proche de 100%. La viabilité des greffons est également liée au temps réduit de conservation des follicules à l'extérieur du cuir chevelu, ces derniers baignant dans de l’HypoThermosol.

À la Maison Lutétia, la méthode DHI® représente l'incarnation de l'excellence dans le domaine de la greffe capillaire, offrant aux patients une solution personnalisée à la pointe de la technologie pour retrouver une chevelure naturelle et abondante.

Les innovations DHI® signées Maison Lutétia : les ExoZD®

En outre d'avoir choisi le protocole le plus évolué en matière de greffe capillaire, la Maison Lutétia s'emploie à enrichir davantage la méthode DHI® grâce à des innovations qui lui sont propres.

Par exemple, nos patients ont la possibilité d'opter pour les ExoZD®, soit l'application d'une solution concentrée en exosomes sur la zone donneuse après l'extraction des follicules. Les exosomes révolutionnent la pratique de la médecine esthétique par leur pouvoir réjuvénateur, anti-âge, ainsi que leur faculté à booster la croissance capillaire.

La Maison Lutétia a donc développé une technique consistant à appliquer des exosomes sur la zone donneuse afin de favoriser et d'accélérer la régénération des tissus cutanés. Ce faisant, le patient cicatrise plus rapidement et le traumatisme de la zone donneuse est considérablement diminué. Le petit plus ? Les exosomes pénètrent les couches de la peau en profondeur, permettant dans le même temps de booster la pousse des cheveux !

The Expertise of Maison Lutetia

Choosing Maison Lutetia in Paris for your hair transplant means opting for excellence and top-quality care in the field of hair restoration. Maison Lutetia has established itself as a leader, offering unparalleled expertise in hair transplants. The expert physicians at Maison Lutetia Paris are renowned for their experience, scientific skills, and heightened artistic sense. Maison Lutetia is committed to addressing each patient's specific needs, fostering a relationship of trust and expertise throughout the hair restoration process.

Testimonials and Before-After Results from Maison Lutetia

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pour une greffe de cheveux à Paris

Our Answers to Your Questions

How is the number of grafts determined?

The number of grafts required for a hair transplant is determined by factors such as the extent of baldness, the desired hair density, and the individual characteristics of the patient. The areas affected by baldness, whether localized or extensive, directly influence the amount of grafts needed to restore a natural-looking head of hair. Additionally, the level of density desired by the patient guides the expert physician in planning the distribution of the grafts. A thorough assessment during the preliminary consultation allows hair restoration experts to provide a personalized recommendation, ensuring aesthetically pleasing results tailored to each individual's needs.

What is a hair graft?

A graft refers to a follicular unit transplanted from a donor area to a recipient area of the scalp. A hair graft can contain one or more hair follicles, along with their sebaceous glands, blood vessels, and surrounding tissues. These grafts are carefully implanted in areas where hair is thinning or absent, contributing to the restoration of hair density and the treatment of baldness. Precise selection and implantation of grafts are crucial aspects of the hair transplant process, aiming to achieve natural and aesthetically satisfactory results.

Why choose a hair transplant in France?

Opting for a hair transplant in France offers several advantages. France adheres to strict medical standards and rigorous regulations, ensuring the safety and quality of hair transplant procedures. French clinics are required to comply with these high standards, providing patients with optimal sanitary conditions. Additionally, France is home to renowned doctors with expertise in hair restoration. Choosing a transplant in France also facilitates communication between patients and their medical team, enhancing mutual understanding and easing post-operative follow-up. Combining high standards, qualified professionals, and advanced medical technology, hair transplantation in France provides a comprehensive and reliable solution for those seeking quality results.

What is the cost of a hair transplant?

The cost of a hair transplant depends on the extent of your baldness, the capacity of your donor area, and the expected results. At Maison Lutetia, the price of a hair transplant ranges from €3,900 for a half-day procedure to €17,900 for a two-day procedure.

At what age can one undergo a hair transplant?

The possibility of undergoing a hair transplant depends on several factors, and there is no strictly defined age for this procedure. Generally, hair transplants are recommended for adults when hair loss is stable and the progression of baldness is predictable. However, younger individuals may also be candidates if their baldness is advanced. It is essential to consult a hair restoration expert for a personalized assessment, considering the stability of hair loss, patient expectations, and other medical factors. A comprehensive consultation will determine if a hair transplant is the best option and when it should be considered.

What is the average timeframe for scheduling a hair transplant?

The average timeframe for scheduling a hair transplant varies depending on factors such as appointment availability and the duration of the procedure. Generally, the average wait time for an appointment can be 4 to 6 weeks. However, it is important to note that wait times may vary due to high demand or possible cancellations.

How long does it take for hair to grow back?

“Baby hair,” or new hair, begins to grow three months after the procedure. Hair growth continues until final results are achieved about one year post-transplant.

What is the lifespan of a transplanted hair?

A transplanted hair does not fall out. However, native hairs continue to shed in cases of androgenetic alopecia. Therefore, a second hair transplant may be considered a few years after the initial procedure.

In which cases is a hair transplant impossible?v

A hair transplant may be difficult or impossible in certain cases, such as the lack of a sufficient donor area, advanced baldness, underlying medical conditions that could complicate the procedure, unrealistic patient expectations, or premature youth with unstable hair loss. The availability of a stable donor area is crucial in determining the feasibility of the procedure. A thorough evaluation by an expert physician is essential to assess the suitability of a hair transplant in each individual case.

Why undergo a hair transplant?

A hair transplant not only provides an aesthetic solution to baldness but can also significantly impact self-confidence and quality of life. It is important to consult an expert for a diagnosis, evaluate available options, determine the feasibility of a hair transplant, and discuss expected outcomes. Hair transplantation represents a significant advancement in hair restoration, offering a durable and natural solution to combat baldness. For a procedure in Paris, consult Maison Lutetia.

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