Maison Lutetia
How to Evaluate the Fair Price?

Price of Hair Transplant

The price of a hair transplant session depends on various factors: expertise, the time required for the procedure, highly specialized medical staff, and cutting-edge single-use tools.

The DHI Hair Transplant

The DHI hair transplant, exclusive to Maison Lutétia, is a medical procedure requiring one or two full days of meticulous work, typically between 8 and 16 hours of intervention. From start to finish, it is performed by a highly specialized physician, manually extracting and implanting each hair follicle one by one. To care for the patient and assist the physician, an expert nurse is present throughout the operation. Their role includes preserving, categorizing, and preparing the grafts for implantation. The DHI procedure also requires two sets of high-precision single-use instruments, a biopreservation solution, HypoThermosol, and a semi-sterile operating room.

The DHI method is by far the most qualitative and effective. It avoids the disadvantages of traditional hair transplant techniques such as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation, also known as the strip method), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), or IFA (Automated Follicular Implantation).

Contrary to popular belief, the DHI hair transplant is not merely a non-invasive FUE, as some low-cost clinics might suggest! This method must be performed by medical staff specially trained in a precise procedure, following a standardized protocol that involves meticulously codified steps unique to Maison Lutétia.

For comparison, a rhinoplasty or breast implants typically require only 30 to 45 minutes in the operating room. Knowing the cost of such procedures makes it easier to understand the fair price of a high-quality hair transplant.

Before opting for a hair transplant

What you need to know

To assess the fair price of a hair transplant, it is crucial to ask the right questions. For hair implants, as with any specialized medical procedure, do you choose your doctor based on the cost of the procedure or their expertise? Generally, a lower price might reflect a sacrifice in expertise, which can negatively impact the result.

Indeed, a hair transplant is a significant investment. In France and abroad, several thousands of euros should be anticipated. Facilities and practitioners claiming otherwise should be avoided. Relying on them might lead to a truly regrettable hair venture. Your scalp and donor area could suffer irreversible damage, and correcting poor aesthetic and natural results often incurs additional costs, if it’s even possible to remedy the damage…

DHI hair transplant

What are the rates?

The price of a hair transplant at Maison Lutétia, performed by a highly specialized physician with the assistance of an expert nurse, varies based on several factors. Primarily, the exclusivity of our advanced technique, the most qualitative, meticulous, and effective to date, is a key determinant of the price for a successful hair restoration.

Specifically, depending on the nature and stage of the patient's baldness, the number of grafts required to fill the treatment area, and the time needed to complete the procedure, the price of DHI hair implants varies:

For a one-day session, the price ranges from €3,900 to €9,900.

For a two-day session, the cost ranges from €11,900 to €17,900.

Investing in a DHI hair transplant ensures effective and durable results, with impeccable hygiene conditions, personalized care, and unique comfort.

On the other hand, opting for a low-cost hair transplant involves significant and potentially irreversible risks. Sometimes, it is better to decide not to proceed than to make a poor choice.

What to Think About Low-Cost Hair Implants

All price ranges are represented in the international hair transplant market. On the internet, particularly, low-cost hair transplant offers are multiplying, especially in Turkey, where this market now represents several billion euros. Hair implant centers attract patients through forums and generally online, with promises that are often too good to be true. The proliferation of hair transplant offers creates confusion around the cost of the procedure.

Enticed by testimonials from so-called satisfied patients and these miracle hair treatments at unbeatable prices, patients often realize too late the severe consequences of their decision.

The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) warns the public about low-cost hair implants and practices abroad.

Warning: Contrary to what is said on social media, the DHI hair transplant method is not performed in Turkey. If a clinic claims to offer it, this should raise concerns. Learn more about the DHI method.

At Maison Lutétia, part of our hair restoration activity now involves “correcting” the damage caused by these low-cost hair transplants.

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Julie, 55 years old

Human resources
Jowls had been forming for a few years. The installation of tensor threads allowed me to regain the oval of my face and to gain about ten years. Thank you!

Anna, 33 years old

"I decided to have my first botulinum toxin injection at Maison Lutétia on my forehead and crow's feet. I didn't particularly have deep wrinkles, the idea was rather to prevent them from appearing. Delivered at the right time, Botox® injections smooth the skin and relax the face within a few days. The muscles gradually relax and the face seems to be smoothed out. However, I still have the same expressions and my emotions are still visible! My face is sublimated in a delicate and subtle way!"

Alicia, 30 years old

Communication Officer
"I started a MesoLift LED protocol in order to stop wearing make-up. After six sessions, the quality of my skin has changed... It seems much healthier and hydrated. I've ditched the foundation!"

Claire, 38 years old

"Since I was a teenager, I had a complex about my stretch marks on my buttocks. As the RF Microneedling sessions progressed, they faded away. I was able to put on my swimming costume this summer without thinking about it!"

Aurélie, 19 years old

"No product could get rid of the excess oil that made my face shiny throughout the day. From the first session, the Carbon Laser Peel has a rebalancing effect. I will be doing my fourth session in a few days. I am very happy with the results. My make-up stays on better and my skin is healthier".

Laura, 38 years old

"I wanted a clear rejuvenating effect and the Resurfacing Laser did not disappoint. I felt a few tingles but my skin has never been so smooth and radiant. The superficial wrinkles are gone in three sessions!"

Eva, 40 years old

"I have been noticing for some time that the skin on my face has been sagging. I have been advised to use Collagen Booster to quickly regain my bounce. After a few sessions, I found my skin plumped up and... simply younger. My nasolabial folds are smoother!"

Emeline, 26 years old

Product Manager
"After the Cellular Expert, my skin glowed like I just spent a weekend in the mountains. Love it!"

Mona, 25 years old

Business developer
"I've done the Signature by Lutétia treatment once or twice a month to refine my skin texture. A pure moment of happiness! I leave each session feeling relaxed and with flawless skin."

Jacob, 44 years old

Data analyst
"The advantage of the SoftLift treatment is that you only have to do one or two sessions a year because it is a collagen boost. Gradually, the skin becomes firmer and the effects are long-lasting."

Samia, 23 years old

"Having very dark hair, the fuzz on my face shows a lot which has always bothered me. When I'm tanned, the hair becomes blond, but in winter the hair becomes darker and it dulls my complexion. Bleaching is the best solution I've found to get rid of hair without plucking it!"

Joëlle, 44 years old

"In the Signature by Lutétia treatment, my favourite step is the microdermabrasion. This helps to clear the pores and restore a beautiful glow. Perfect for the city girl that I am!"

Judith, 40 years old

"I regularly perform peels at Maison Lutétia to eliminate dead cells and boost cell regeneration. This is my beauty trick to stimulate my skin and prevent it from marking over time. It also allows me to have a nice complexion all winter long!"

Elena, 34 years old

Real estate agent
"I had two sessions of SkinBoosters, each one a month apart. My skin has plumped up, has a nice bounce and this is simply due to the hydration of the fluid hyaluronic acid. The result could not be more natural!"

Fiona, 20 years old

"The Skin Bloom is really effective in illuminating the face in a snap. A must do before a date or a night out with girlfriends!"

Jeanne, 54 years old

"I decided to have light therapy sessions to get a fresher complexion. I was not sleeping well and this was having an impact on my skin. The LED sessions helped me to regain my sleep quality and inevitably a prettier face!"

Paul, 32 years old

"I did a Lase® Ultra protocol to smooth out the fine lines that have recently appeared. The result is clear! Even if the treatment is a tingles a bit, the effects are there. I've gained back a few years, my skin is all smooth!"

Alexis, 33 years old

"I got a spur of the moment tattoo when I was younger. I couldn't stand to look at it in the mirror any longer, because that time in my life was over. Laser tattoo removal allowed me to quickly get my body back to the way it was before. A real relief to start again!"

Dorothée, 55 years old

"After my laser hair removal protocol, I still had some fuzz on my legs that I didn't know how to get rid of. So I made an appointment at Maison Lutétia to find a solution. The doctor told me about electric hair removal, which was specifically for fine hair. And it worked!"

Audrey, 45 years old

"I've been retaining water since I was a teenager. And water retention means cellulite... Not pretty! I tried all the different types of drainage that exist on the market... But I was really convinced by the one at Maison Lutétia, because my thighs and calves deflated after the first session."

Bastien, 40 years old

Marketing Director
"I felt that my skin had been dull for some time. Completely dehydrated. Also I found that it was getting saggier with time. The Profhilo is a few micro-injections of hyaluronic acid to give the face a boost. It's amazing. No regrets."

Juliette, 56 years old

Editorial Secretary
"For years I had red vessels in my nose which caused me a lot of problems. I was able to get even skin after a few vascular laser sessions, that's priceless!"

Gaël, 55 years old

Sound engineer
"Like many men my age, fat has accumulated in my abdomen. No amount of dieting or exercising could make my stomach flat. I tried cryolipolysis without really believing in it, but I was surprised by the results. Two months later I noticed a real change in my stomach. It has changed my body and I am very happy with it."

Elodie, 28 years old

"Sometimes sport does not change the fact that the skin is flabby! Let's not talk about the cellulite that has been impossible to eliminate for years. So I decided to turn to aesthetic medicine. CoolWaves has helped me regain firmness and above all say goodbye to dimpled skin!!!"

Samuel, 34 years old

Communication Director
"My goal this summer was to have very well-designed abs. I did some targeted training at the gym but I couldn't get the results I had in mind. Eight sessions of BodySculpt made it easy for me to get that six pack just before I left on holiday. To be repeated next summer."

Evan Fournier, 29 years old

Professional basketball player
"When you have a beard like mine, which is quite dense, it may not be pretty. When I go to the barber, it's very clean for two days and then there are little pimples and it itches. I am very happy with the result in one session of laser hair removal. I decided to do it again. I like to have the contours, I wanted to keep it natural, and it is. After the second session it will be even better. When you get up in the morning and your beard is already ready, it's convenient. And no more pimples."

Emeline, 35 years old

"I was very self-conscious about my thighs! In addition, I had a lot of cellulite due to water retention. When the doctor at Maison Lutétia told me about the BodyLift, I realised that it was the solution for both toning the body and getting rid of orange peel skin. It's great to see the results getting better with each session!"

Adèle, 29 years old

Press Relations Officer
"I followed a Body RF protocol to firm up my under-buttock area. Over time, the skin had become lax, and my pregnancy hadn't helped. And voila: I regained much firmer buttocks in just 1 month! The skin quality was incomparable."

Iris, 30 years old

Beauty queen, TV host
"I love the MesoLed treatment, which I have been doing for years. Lutétia is beautiful, but above all, I have complete confidence in them (...). They are real experts and you can feel it.

Alain, 57 years old

Graphic designer
"After my hair transplant, I had several sessions of light therapy to help the healing process and promote hair growth. In addition, the session is particularly soothing."

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Festival City, Dubai UAE
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43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Pavillon Monceau
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Jardins de Villiers
18 Rue Claude Pouillet,
75017 Paris, France
Bus 163 20 31
Paris & Dubai
6 Rue Ampère, 75017 Paris
Festival City, Dubai UAE
Bus 163 20 31
Indigo Jouffroy
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Pavillon Monceau
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Jardins de Villiers
18 Rue Claude Pouillet,
75017 Paris, France
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