Maison Lutetia
How do medical experts combine craftsmanship and artistic flair?
The art of hair transplantation
Everything you need to know about hairline design and implantation for hair transplants.
What is a hairline?

Everything you need to know about hairline design

When the front line is mentioned, it is in fact an area. It frames the face by going around the temporo-parietal junction. At the edge of the hairline is the transition zone, which is characterised by less dense follicles and thinner hair.

Be aware that there are different hairline shapes depending on whether you are a man (flat, convex or triangular) or a woman (concave, round or "M" shaped). It is important to note that the shape of the hairline changes during adolescence, sometimes even late in life. To give you a better idea of these types of morphologies, we have linked them to public figures you know well.

In men, to look natural, the hairline should have macro-irregularities, i.e., waves or zigzags, with one, two or three hair tips, but also micro-irregularities, i.e. triangular clusters of about 3mm surrounded by spaces of varying size. This requires both: work beforehand with the customised design of the hairline, a gentle extraction and an implantation that is both artistic and well thought out.

Depending on the shape of your original hairline, a custom design should be created to enhance your features. Because there is no standard line that fits every face! In the event that the patient requests a hairline design that does not appear to be suitable, the medical expert must point this out. The classic mistake is to want to lower the front line too much, and too medially. In fact, it would waste too many grafts for a result that is neither natural nor sustainable over time.

3 criteria for establishing the frontline design

At Maison Lutétia, the ideal design of your hairline is created according to several criteria:

●      First of all, the age of the patient, because in men, the recession of the frontal line is linked to the evolution of the testosterone level with time.

●      It is also important to establish the stage of baldness, according to the Norwood scale for men and the Hamilton scale for women.

●      Finally, a review of the capacity of the donor area is essential. Depending on the hair reserves, it is possible to perform one, two or even three hair transplants. This gives a realistic idea of the outcome of the graft, as well as the browline pattern that can be achieved and preserved over time. Hairline design therefore requires not only scientific and artistic skills but also an ethical sense. The older the patient, the easier it is to determine the appearance of the final hairline. When the patient is younger, the approach to hairline restoration should be conservative, as baldness is likely to evolve.

Quelles sont les mesures techniques pour obtenir le dessin de la ligne capillaire ?

La technique classique est de tracer une ligne depuis le canthus externe vers le haut du crâne et de marquer la jonction. Il faut ensuite placer un premier point entre les sourcils rejoignant la pointe des cheveux ; un deuxième entre l’angle externe de l’œil et le point de changement de direction des cheveux ; et un troisième au niveau de la glabelle jusqu’au milieu du sourcil. Cela donne une marge de 9 à 11 cm à partir de l’os du sourcil et de 4 à 7 cm depuis la marge fronto-temporale.

La règle de base est de diviser le visage en trois tiers, en prenant en compte l’avancée de l’alopécie, l’âge du patient et le placement du muscle frontal. Il n’est en effet pas préconisé d’implanter de cheveux sur le muscle frontal, au risque de voir la ligne capillaire bouger en même temps que les expressions du visage !

Mais bien sûr, il ne suffit pas de prendre des mesures pour déterminer la ligne capillaire idéale. Le médecin expert doit prendre du recul une fois le dessin réalisé et le réadapter selon les caractéristiques morphologiques uniques de chacun.

Les repères clés à placer par l’expert visagiste au marqueur pré-thérapeutique avant l’implantation :

  • 1. Les zones latérales, qui permettent de faire rejoindre le point de changement de direction des cheveux et la ligne capillaire, et d’ainsi créer la forme des tempes. Définir les zones latérales permet aussi de reconstruire la ligne capillaire de zéro pour les patients très dégarnis.
  • 2. La ligne capillaire, selon les traits uniques du patient.
  • 3. La zone de transition et ses micro et macro-irrégularités.
  • 4. Les zones de connexion.

What is the artistic dimension in the extraction phase?

As you can see, the eye of the medical expert is essential to determine the ideal hairline design. But when it comes to extraction, how does the doctor express his artistic sense?


The subtlety lies in the gentleness of the sample. This is essential in order not to mutilate the aesthetics of the donor area and to make the procedure undetectable. To do this, the doctor carries out a tailor-made extraction, adapting to the nature of the patient's hair (curly, straight, wavy, afro...), but also to the flexibility of the scalp. Depending on the skin characteristics of each individual, the graft is more or less curved: the doctor must therefore adapt his or her body position to collect it, and choose the degree of horizontality of the hand work. The respect of the capillary and skin natures allows to apprehend the implantation phase and to set up micro adjustments essential to the achievement of a natural result. One of the artistic feats of our hyper-specialised doctors is to recreate the swirl in the vertex, for example, in the manner of a blooming flower.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 4 essential points for the quality of the frontline implementation?

Thoughtful distribution: Proper graft distribution is important to define the hairline and transition zone. Specifically, single and double grafts are used to create the hairline, while multiple grafts are used to add density. These should therefore be implanted gradually to achieve a progressive thickness effect. An important point to note: from one graft to another, the result can be very different depending on the distribution of the follicles... And this by implanting the same number of grafts! The doctor's artistic sense is therefore a key element in completing the aesthetic result.

Perfect control of the angle of implantation: As you may know, it is much less obvious to control the angle of implantation of a graft with the FUE hair transplant technique, as it involves depositing the follicles in receiving holes. As the name suggests (Follicular Unit Extraction), FUE is just an extraction method! The DHI method creates the right angle for the graft and thus achieves the right density for each implantation area. In fact, the delicacy of the process lies in the adequate creation of the narrowness of this angle. Why? From the implantation phase onwards, it is important to take into account the fact that as the skin heals in the months following the operation, it retracts, which will naturally affect the movement of the hair. For example, at the point where the hair direction changes, the hair angle varies between 10 and 15°. At the peak of the hairline, an angle between 15 and 20° is more suitable. On the temples, the hair is much thinner and slanted: 5 to 10° should be respected. As you can see, the implantation is a real work of goldsmith that must guarantee a natural result. 

An analysis of the temples and lateral areas: Depending on the age and capacity of the donor area, the temples and lateral areas are not necessarily treated. Only the expert doctor can determine the best implantation plan for your body type.

A point of honour on the work of irregularities:  The layout work carried out in the transition area allows for a smooth entry into the density, softening the appearance of the gulfs and avoiding the undesirable "brick wall of hair" effect. The zigzags along the transition zone make it easier to reproduce the hairline. Because if the front line is too straight, the result looks artificial... Remember that the front line is not drawn with a ruler!

What is dense-packing?

To create hyperdensity in the frontal line, dense-packing may be recommended by the medical expert. The aim is to implant approximately 60 grafts per cm2 at the transition zone and the hairline, very close together. The DHI method, exclusive to Maison Lutétia, allows this hyperdensity because it does not require any reception hole (as in FUE) to implant the grafts. There is therefore no need to establish a safety margin between follicles, as there is no hole diameter to consider. When receiving holes are made as in FUE, it is possible that they will eventually join and form even larger holes. This leaves visible traces in the hippocratic wreath, but above all, regrowth cannot be guaranteed: in the end, the leek field effect is unfortunately very likely.

Why a number of hairs rather than grafts?

Often our patients who come from other clinics for a corrective session speak in grafts. For our part, we have decided to refer to the hair rather than the grafts for the sake of transparency. A graft can indeed include 1 to 5 hairs! The final number of hairs is therefore not guaranteed if only the number of grafts is given. You will therefore get more density if you are offered a number of hairs rather than a number of grafts.

Furthermore, if the extraction is poorly performed, there is a risk of transection (the grafts is cut in half), so the rate of regrowth will be directly affected. This is true regardless of the ratio, i.e., the number of hairs per follicle. If only one hair in the follicular unit is traumatised, the others will not be able to develop and grow back. Hence the importance of choosing a highly specialised doctor who practices the art of hair transplantation, in its entirety, but also in its details.

What about the management of the donor area?

To accompany the evolution of your androgenetic baldness, we would like to talk about a hair project. As baldness can evolve (until it stabilises at around 55 years of age), it is important to plan the number of transplants that will be necessary in each case. A way to plan the spacing of the procedures according to the stage of the Norwood, the speed at which the hair falls out, but also according to the capacity of the donor area. You may already know that while the transplanted implants do not fall out, the native hair continues to weaken because it is genetically programmed to fall out. Hence the importance of strengthening them with treatments such as the application of Minoxidil, but also a hair mesoLED protocol.

Of course, it is ideal to have a donor area with a large capacity. Unfortunately, we are inherently unequal when it comes to genetics! So to make up for a lack of density in the hippocratic wreath, it is best to call on a doctor who has mastered the art of extraction. A highly specialised doctor will optimise the result of the operation by reducing the manipulation of the follicular unit, but also by collecting the graft without cutting the arrector muscle to avoid the risk of transection, and by avoiding pulling on the stem to avoid damaging it. It is also important to work quickly and efficiently to preserve the vitality of the follicle. And to complete the care of the grafts, we choose to preserve them in HypoThermosol, which is unfortunately considered too expensive by other clinics.

In Maison Lutétia's exclusive method, everything is designed to avoid traumatising the follicular unit, to protect it and thus preserve the donor area. Because a quality extraction will require fewer grafts to be harvested to achieve a dense result, controlled handling of the graft will ensure its regrowth. Less extraction also means that another transplant will be possible in the future. Also, in the case of extensive extraction work for a large graft, a subtle sense of aesthetics is required so that the removals are undetectable. Here is an example of an FUE overtreatment that left indelible marks on the back of the head, and a photo of the back of a patient's head after a DHI procedure.

Which hair transplant session to target the hairline?

A hair transplant session, called "perfecting", is suitable if you are over 45 years of age, your hairline is thinning and your hair is no longer in place. Even if you are not affected by androgenetic baldness, hair thins with age. This session therefore makes it possible to counteract the effects of ageing, without imposing any constraints, as only an undetectable shaving line under the hair is recommended to access the grafts. In all, this represents 1,000 hairs, with a cost of 2,900 euros for half a day's work. This session is also suitable for those who want to perfect the results of their hair transplant... Because there’s no such thing as too much hair!

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