Maison Lutetia
To smooth wrinkles and relax the face

Botulinum toxin

Enjoy the rejuvenating effect and a boost of radiance

What is botulinum toxin?

Botulinum toxin is a protein with neurotoxic properties produced by a bacterium: Clostridium botulinum. It’s responsible for the release of acetylcholine, which causes muscle contraction. Injected in micro-doses, it causes a temporary and progressive relaxation of the muscle. 

Today, there are seven types of botulinum toxin (A, B, C1, D, E, F, G), with serotypes A and B being the only ones used clinically. 

This toxin is used in tiny doses in specific treatments to regulate the flow of perspiration (hyperhidrosis of the armpits, hands, and feet), soften facial spasms, and reduce bruxism, spasmodic dysphonia, gastroenterological affections, or urological infections. It’s absorbable after 4 to 6 months and is safe for the body. 

The amount of toxin administered depends essentially on the indications. For example, the dose used in aesthetic medicine treatment is ten times less than that used for spasticity (uncontrollable muscles). 

The objectives

Smooths out wrinkles

French Botox, the preferred injection technique of Maison Lutétia, smooths out your wrinkles, relaxes your features, and enhances your face without distorting facial emotions. Our expert doctors use an injector with unprecedented precision for customized and natural results. The correct dose is delivered according to the aesthetic needs of each individual. 

Prevent the appearance of wrinkles

As for Baby Botox, it’s a micro-dosed rejuvenation technique for wrinkle prevention. There’s no actual age to start botulinum toxin injections since the key to beautiful skin is to act before the marks of time appear to prevent them from setting in! 

With French Botox, expert doctors target the marked areas of the face to smooth them out. Whereas for Baby Botox, micro-doses are delivered to the entire face to preserve the skin's youthfulness. 

Hyperhidrose / transpiration excessive

Lisser les rides n’est pas la seule fonction du Botox® ! Injectée en quadrillage sous les aisselles, la toxine botulique agit contre la transpiration par son action sur les glandes sudoripares, pour limiter la sécrétion de transpiration, toujours de façon indolore. Idéal pour ceux et celles qui souffrent d’hyperhidrose, ou de transpiration excessive. C’est aussi le traitement parfait pour ceux qui subissent une période de stress, et qui ont tendance à évacuer les toxines avec une transpiration intense.

Gommer le sourire gingival

Si vous constatez qu’un espace se crée entre votre lèvre supérieure et vos dents pour laisser voir vos gencives au moment où vous souriez, vous présentez un sourire gingival. Les injections de toxine botulique au niveau des muscles qui entourent le nez sont idéales pour l’adoucir. Une fois détendus, les muscles permettent un relâchement de la lèvre, cachant une partie de la gencive jusque-là visible lorsque vous souriez.

atténuer une machoire trop anguleuse

L’hypertrophie des masséters : Si vous jugez votre mâchoire trop carrée, une injection de toxine botulique permet de l’adoucir et la rendre plus discrète.

Botulinum toxin

Un peu d'histoire

Le Botox® n’a pas toujours été utilisé pour des raisons esthétiques.

C’est d’abord un médicament à part entière : depuis 1975, les médecins injectent de la toxine botulique pour corriger strabisme, tics du visage et clignements incontrôlables de l’œil. C’est seulement dans les années 1990 que le Docteur Carruthers, ophtalmologiste canadien, se rend compte que les patients traités par la toxine botulique présentent moins de rides péri orbitales que les autres.

Quand une patiente lui demande d’injecter au niveau de l’autre œil pour harmoniser le résultat, c’est là que tout commence ! Ainsi, l’utilisation esthétique de la toxine botulique, sous le nom de Botox®, début en 2002 pour traiter les rides inter-sourcilières ou « rides du lion ». Un an plus tard, les autorités administratives françaises valident également la mise sur le marché de la toxine botulique à visée esthétique sous le nom de Vistabel, ou de Botox® !

En 20 ans, les techniques d’injection de toxine botulique ont bien changé. Aujourd’hui, la tendance est à la prévention, au naturel, à la préservation des traits et à l’accompagnement en douceur du processus de vieillissement cutané.

Effect on muscles

Botox® treatment consists of injecting directly into the muscles to paralyze them temporarily. Botulinum toxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine so that the receptors on the muscle cells do not contract, thus controlling the motor nerves and muscles associated with expression lines! More specifically, botulinum toxin stops the nerve impulses that cause muscles to contract. 

Effect on wrinkles

Local injections at low doses cause targeted muscle paralysis to reduce wrinkles. The injection of botulinum toxin rejuvenates the face by treating dynamic wrinkles, i.e., those activated when you express emotion: glabella or lion's wrinkle, crow's feet, forehead wrinkles... It’s also effective on the sweat glands.

Une action complémentaire à l'acide hyaluronique

Quand le Botox® a un effet tenseur en détendant les muscles, l’acide hyaluronique permet de combler les rides !

En fait, l’acide hyaluronique agit sur les rides statiques, c’est-à-dire celles qui apparaissent lorsque votre visage est au repos, quand le Botox® agit sur les rides dynamiques, par exemple lorsque vous souriez.

Plus simplement, l’acide hyaluronique permet de repulper votre peau, quand le Botox® permet de la lisser en réduisant les contractions musculaires. De plus, l’injection de toxine botulique permet de pérenniser les effets des injections d’acide hyaluronique.

En effet lorsque les mouvements des muscles sont adoucis, l’acide hyaluronique se résorbe moins vite sous la peau. Ces deux traitements sont donc complémentaires dans un objectif de réjuvénation du visage, afin d’améliorer l’apparence de la peau d’une façon naturelle.

Le Botox® en prévention

La prévention est la clé pour préserver les traits et le charme naturel de chacun. Il est possible de réaliser une séance de Baby Botox avant que les rides se manifestent, afin de conserver une peau lisse, dénuée de marques du temps. Il s’agit d’injecter des petites doses de toxine botulique afin de défroisser le visage sans figer les traits. Parfait pour prévenir le vieillissement cutané et l’apparition des cassures dermiques.

The procedure

Step 1

The expert doctor locates the muscles responsible for the wrinkles you wish to smooth. To do this, they ask you to smile, frown and raise your eyebrows. It’s possible to treat several areas in the same session if you wish.

Step 2

An exclusive Maison Lutétia injector is designed to deliver just the right amount of product to soften muscle contractions without distorting your facial emotions. The session lasts 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of areas to be treated, and it’s painless.

Step 3

Slight swelling may occur at the injection points half an hour after the session. A bruise may also arise for a few days.

Zones à traiter

Cliquez sur la zone du corps souhaitée
Bitterness lines, or marionette lines, appear simultaneously as the corners of the lips sag, giving a sad expression to the face.
If you notice that a gap forms between your upper lip and your teeth, revealing your gums when you smile, you have a gummy smile.
GLABELLA LINES - Botulinum Toxin
The undulations on the forehead are often associated with the emergence of the glabella lines, those folds located between the eyebrows, which give a stern look to the face. A Botox® injection helps reduce the glabella lines. See also the various facial wrinkles.
These are the muscles of the jawline, responsible for shaping the jaw.
As one ages, the tail of the eyebrows tends to droop, giving a sad appearance to the face.
Forehead wrinkles are horizontal lines that create creases in the skin. They are associated with facial movements when expressing emotions. When the eyebrows are raised, they are pulled upward by the frontal muscle, causing the skin to wrinkle perpendicularly, leading to the development of wrinkles over time. As one ages, these wrinkles may even be noticeable without muscle activity beneath the skin. An injection of botulinum toxin is ideal for smoothing forehead wrinkles.
CROW'S FEET - Botulinum Toxin
They are a set of expression lines that form at the corner of the eyes, particularly visible when you smile. Positioned like sun rays, they resemble the shape of crow's feet, hence their charming name. Through repetitive contraction of the orbicularis muscles, the rings surrounding each eye, they leave marks on the skin and become visible even at rest. Sometimes, in the process of skin aging, they may extend onto the cheek. A Botox® injection helps smooth the wrinkles around the eyes.
Also known as neck cords or platysmal bands, the neck cords become more prominent with the aging process. This is due to hypertonicity of the muscles.
The décolletage tends to show signs of aging easily, notably because this area is one of the most exposed to the sun. As a result, fine lines can deepen, leading to skin wrinkling.
If you notice excessive sweating in the armpits, it may be hyperhidrosis.


Traitement complet du haut du visage (1 Flacon) 450€
Traitement complet du haut du visage (2 Flacons) 700€
Hyperhidrose (atténuation de la transpiration) 700€
Masseter 700€
Sourire Gingival 400€

Frequently asked questions

How does the body absorb botulinum toxin?

Botulinum toxin is naturally resorbed in the body and eliminated within 6 months without any side effects. 

Why use botulinum toxin?

There are several reasons to use botulinum toxin: to smooth your wrinkles, lift your look, relax your face, and control the flow of your sweat (hyperhidrosis)... 

What are the contraindications?

You’re pregnant or breastfeeding. 

You’re allergic to any of the components of the Botox 

You have an infection in the area to be treated 

You have a muscle disorder: myasthenia gravis or Eaton-Lambert syndrome 

You are taking a drug treatment that affects neuromuscular transmission (curariform agents, anticholinesterase agents, or aminoglycosides) 

How long does Botox® last on the lips?

It’s not Botox® but hyaluronic acid injected into the lips for a volumizing effect lasting up to 18 months. On the other hand, botulinum toxin can be injected into the corner of the lips for an action on the bitterness folds that lasts about 6 months. 

Is it possible to use Botox® for prevention?

Prevention is the key to preserving your features and natural charm. It’s possible to perform Baby Botox before wrinkles appear to keep the skin smooth and preserve it from time. It consists of injecting small doses of botulinum toxin to smooth the face without freezing the features. Perfect for preventing skin aging and the appearance of dermal breakage. 

Why combine Botox® and hyaluronic acid?

While Botox® has a tightening effect that relaxes the muscles, hyaluronic acid fills the wrinkles! 

Hyaluronic acid acts on static wrinkles, i.e., those that appear when your face is at rest, while Botox® acts on dynamic wrinkles, for example, when you smile. Hyaluronic acid plumps up your skin, while Botox® smooths it out by reducing muscle contractions. 

Moreover, the injection of botulinum toxin increases the effects of hyaluronic acid injections. When muscle movements are softened, hyaluronic acid quickly resorbs under the skin. Therefore, these two treatments are complementary to rejuvenate the face and improve the skin’s appearance for a natural look. 


What’s the history of Botox®?

Botox® has not always been used for cosmetic reasons. It’s first and foremost a drug in its own right: since 1975, doctors have injected botulinum toxin to correct strabismus, facial tics, and uncontrollable eye blinking. 

It was only in the 1990s that Dr. Carruthers, a Canadian ophthalmologist, realized that patients treated with botulinum toxin had fewer periorbital wrinkles than others. It all started when a patient asked him to inject in the other eye to even out the result! 

Thus, the aesthetic use of botulinum toxin, under the name Botox®, began in 2002 to treat frown lines. 

One year later, the French administrative authorities also cleared the marketing of botulinum toxin for aesthetic purposes under the name Vistabel or Botox®! In 20 years, botulinum toxin injection techniques have changed. Today, the trend is towards prevention, naturalness, feature preservation, and gently supporting the skin’s aging process.

What are some common misconceptions about botulinum toxin?

Botox® is not volumizing and does not freeze facial features. Moreover, Botox® can be recommended to both men and women. How does it work? Botulinum toxin is an anti-aging protein delivered in micro-doses to relax the muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles (forehead wrinkles, crow's feet) and the bitterness folds caused by muscle contractions. Botox® also has an action on hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). It’s also ideal for softening a square jaw (bruxism, jaw hypertrophy). 

What are the results?

Three to seven days after the injection, you’ll notice wrinkles fading, smooth skin, and a more relaxed and rested face while preserving natural mobility. The effects of botulinum toxin last up to 6 months. As the injections continue, wrinkles become less and less pronounced. 

Les différentes utilisations de la toxine botulique

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Our experts doctors provide the latest in aesthetic medicine treatments to smooth out your crow's feet.

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