Maison Lutetia
For fast, long-lasting hair removal

Laser Hair Removal

Regain smooth, soft skin.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is practical for gradually eliminating hair from any area of the body or face! This treatment offers freedom: no more shaving or waxing. Your skin is smooth and soft all year round.

How does it work?

The beam of light from the laser is absorbed by the brown pigment of the hair root (also called melanin), causing its destruction. The skin is slightly heated, and you’ll feel a few tingles. But nothing too serious! Our latest generation device adapts to all phototypes (white, mixed race, black) and durably eliminates hair.

The purpose

No more beauty salons

Unlike traditional hair removal, which requires regular maintenance, laser hair removal sessions are spaced from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the regrowth. Depending on your hair type, 6 to 10 laser hair removal sessions are enough to eliminate most of your hair. In terms of pain, laser hair removal is much less aggressive than conventional hair removal. Unlike waxing, laser hair removal will not accentuate loose skin caused by pulling strips from your skin. Compared to razor hair removal, laser hair removal does not leave ingrown hairs and does not require daily maintenance.

Don't worry about your hair.

Every year it's the same story! In winter, you let your hair grow, hiding it under clothes, waiting for the summer to come... And when summer arrives, you try to get rid of it immediately, arming yourself with razor or waxing strips that have been lying around in your bathroom... leaving your skin red and sensitive for days! Take matters into your own hands. A few sessions of laser hair removal will give you peace of mind, and you'll never have to worry about painful regrowth or ingrown hairs again!

Reduce hormonal issues

Did you know that many women are affected by genetic and hormonal hyperpilosity? This can take various forms:

Hirsutism causes hair in areas that generally concern men (beard, breasts ...) because of a strong production of male hormones.

Pilar virilism, a form of acute hirsutism, causes hair to grow similarly in men.

Hypertrichosis causes a high level of localized hair growth due to increased sensitivity to male hormones.

Other hormonal changes such as menopause can lead to hair growth in areas such as the chin.

Laser hair removal is a suitable and effective solution for eliminating excess hair in the case of hormonal disorders since hair removal is not indicated in the case of intense hair growth.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is based on the production of heat. The laser’s beams of light are absorbed by the melanin found in the growing bulb. The light is converted into heat, and permanent hair removal is obtained through thermo-coagulation, which destroys a large part of the hair follicle.

To eliminate the "germinative zone," laser hair removal acts by raising the temperature at the bulb and matrix above the cell coagulation threshold, i.e., at least 150 degrees, without causing any damage to the skin. This is called selective photothermolysis. Doing so, within ten sessions, with varying results according to hair type and age, destroys the bulb, hair shaft, and all its components! Several sessions are necessary to get rid of them, as the hairs are not synchronous, i.e., each strand does not have the same life cycle.

"Permanent hair removal" refers to the results of laser hair removal. In reality, it’s a long-lasting hair removal procedure: on average, ten sessions are needed to remove most of the hair, with one maintenance session per year if necessary. If a slight fuzz persists after the laser hair removal protocol, a few sessions of electric hair removal can eradicate it.

The intervention

Step 1

Protective glasses on placed on your eyes during the session. The laser disinfects the area to be treated. The laser modes are set (beam diameter, fluence, impact duration, zimmer...) according to your indication, pilosity, phototype, and hair color.

Step 2

After defining the area to be treated with a skin marker, the handpiece sweeps the skin, bypassing tattoos and moles. Thanks to the device’s intelligent mode, the movements are fluid and optimized for even coverage. The time needed for each session varies according to the treated area.

Session: Depending on the area to be treated, 10 to 180 min

Zones à traiter

Cliquez sur la zone du corps souhaitée
Tapered, muscular, graceful... Legs contribute to the allure, sophistication, and elegance of the silhouette.
The bikini area" or "the pubic region.
If you notice excessive sweating in the armpits, it may be hyperhidrosis.
It concerns the bust or chest. The torso plays a crucial role in embodying physical presence.
Fat tends to accumulate in the lower part of the arms, which can result in a 'batwing' effect.
The upper lip, or the mustache, features a central indentation framed by philtral ridges.
Whether it's a three-day stubble or a full-on hipster style, the beard is the charming asset of the male face.
The back extends from the shoulders to the lower back. Difficult to reach for self-care, this area often displays imperfections.

Frequently asked questions

Is laser hair removal possible on black skin?

Absolutely. The Nd Yag laser is adapted to dark to black skin, removing hair from skins with high levels of melanin efficiently and without burning.

Are the results of laser hair removal permanent?

6 to 10 sessions will eradicate up to 98% of hairs. The result must be maintained at an average of one session per year. This is why we call laser hair removal "sustainable."

Does laser hair removal hurt?

Our latest generation laser is equipped with a cooling system to soothe the area treated by the laser, making the session as comfortable as possible. However, some tingling may be felt depending on each individual.

How much does a laser hair removal protocol cost?

Prices vary according to the areas to be treated and start at 50 euros per session. However, we advise you to purchase a package as results are best appreciated after a laser hair removal protocol and not after a single session.

Is it effective?

Yes, laser hair removal works on all phototypes! However, blond to white hair cannot be treated by laser. In this case, we recommend electric hair removal.

How long does the session last?

Each varies according to the number and size of the areas to be treated. On average, it takes 10 minutes for a small space and 30 minutes for a larger area.

How many sessions are needed?

A minimum of 6 sessions are necessary for long-lasting hair removal, spaced 4 to 12 weeks apart, depending on the amount of regrowth between sessions. If necessary, a few maintenance sessions or electric hair removal can eradicate any remaining hair.

What results can be expected?

With each session, there are fewer and fewer hairs they also become finer and lighter. Regrowth is slower with each session so you can gradually increase the time between sessions. The result is smooth, soft, hair-free skin.

What to do before each session?

Do not use tweezers, wax, or electrolysis at least six weeks before the session!

One to two days before the session, shave the area that will be lasered and avoid applying creams, oils, and deodorants.

15 days before the session, do not apply essential oils.

Do not apply self-tanner 1 month before the session.

Do not take Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or other photosensitizers one week before the session.

Tanning is not a problem for laser hair removal, but you must stop exposure two weeks before the session!

If necessary, Japanese toilets are available to refresh yourself!

An anesthetic cream can be prescribed and applied at home before the session.

What to do after the session?

A soothing cream will be prescribed within 72 hours to soothe the skin.

Redness may appear, but it will disappear naturally within the following hours.

Avoid hot tubs, spas, and saunas for 48 hours.

Apply sunscreen for 2 weeks.

You will notice hairs growing, which are follicles about to fall out by themselves, not necessarily all at once, 3 to 5 days following the session. This phase can last up to 3 weeks.

What are the results?

In most cases, laser hair removal offers excellent results, with 80 to 98% of treated hair not growing back! Another solution for the remaining 5 to 10% of patients with hair that resists laser treatment is electric hair removal, which eradicates duvet and very fine hair!

Procedure and results according to hair type

Laser hair removal destroys up to 98% of the hair in the treated area. The remaining hair is finer, lighter, and looks like duvet hair. If this fuzz bothers you and you wish to eliminate it, a few sessions of electric hair removal should do the job—the darker and thicker the hair, the better the result. Depending on your phototype and hair color, the laserist adapts the device’s settings to optimize the results. The mode is determined according to the standard Fitzpatrick classification which classifies patients according to their skin reaction to sun exposure.

What are the different medical lasers?

Alexandrite for light to dark skin

Adapted to light skin, the Alexandrite laser beams are absorbed by the hair's melanin and destroyed by heat. The Alexandrite laser setting means each hair is treated differently according to texture, density, color, and depth. It’s perfectly adapted to all parts of the body and face.

Its indications:

Facial and body hair removal

Removal of ingrown hairs

Nd Yag for dark to black skin

This laser can be used on dark to black skin, thanks to a wavelength of 1064nm, which absorbs the melanin in the hair, not the skin, and penetrates deeper into the epidermis. This technology makes it possible to perform laser hair removal on dark skin without burning it. In addition to hair, Nd Yag can treat vascular lesions.

Its indications:

Facial and body hair removal on dark skin

Removal of ingrown hairs on dark skin

Treats spider veins

Treats telangiectasia

Why choose Maison Lutétia for your laser hair removal?

At Maison Lutétia Paris, our new laser eliminates hair gently and effectively. Here are its characteristics:

Higher pulse energy and power than the average laser for fast and effective treatment.

A modular handpiece with many sizes can treat small and large areas without losing efficiency.

Thus, treatment is 45% faster than other hair removal lasers. It’s possible to treat entire legs and the "strawberry skin" effect (link), those little blackheads that leave traces under the skin when they grow back.

Equipped with Intelligent Tracking, our laser adapts its blasts for even coverage, according to the practitioner's hand speed. Result: no hair goes untreated!

Equipped with a cooling system called cryo-spray or zimmer, the laser reduces the tingling sensation as the practitioner scans the skin, sending soothing cold currents for a more comfortable session.

Our laser treats tanned skin, which means you can undergo a permanent hair removal protocol in summer and winter!

What’s the difference with pulsed light?

 Hair removal and Intense Pulsed Light are similar: both treatments target melanin in the hair follicle to stop the hair growth process through heat.

What makes them different? The type of light! For laser hair removal, the light is monochromatic, which means it uses a single wavelength. Pulsed light is a polychromatic light that uses several wavelengths.

In terms of effectiveness, monochromatic light is more precise than pulsed light. The latter can even be ineffective in some instances. There’s also a risk of burning with pulsed light, unlike laser, whose technology guarantees a safe, less painful, and more practical experience in the long run. Pulsed light does not allow the temperature to rise significantly, meaning that the hair follicle will not be destroyed, so the results require more maintenance than laser hair removal.


Tarifs Femme

VISAGE Par séance 3 séances*
COU €50 € 135
Intersourcils €30 € 81
Lèvre Supérieure €40 €108
Ligne Frontale €100 €270
Menton €40 € 108
Narines €30 € 81
Nuque €45 € 122
Ovale du Visage €50 €135
Pattes €40 €108
Tour de Cou €50 € 135
Visage Entier (sans sourcils) €100 € 270
BRAS Par séance 3 séances*
Aisselles €70 € 189
Avant-bras €90 € 243
Bras Entiers €150 € 405
Bras Supérieurs (sauf épaules) €90 € 243
Coude €40 € 108
Doigts €40 €108
Mains €40 €108
CORPS Par séance 3 séances*
Aréoles des Seins €40 €108
Décolleté €120 € 324
Dos - bas €60 162
Dos - haut €100 €270
Dos Entier €150 €405
Fesses €110 € 297
Inter Mammaires €70 € 189
Ligne Abdominale €40 € 108
Maillot Brésilien (SIF inclus) €100 € 270
Maillot Classique €70 € 189
Maillot Echancré €100 € 270
Maillot Intégral (SIF inclus) €120 € 324
Poitrine €70 € 189
SIF (Sillon Interfessier) €60 € 162
Ventre €90 € 243
JAMBES Par séance 3 séances*
Cuisses €150 €405
Demi-jambes €150 € 405
Genoux €40 € 108
Jambes Complètes €280 € 756
Orteils €40 € 108
Pieds €40 € 108
Pour 2 zones -5%
Pour 3 zones et 4 zones -10%
Pour 5 zones et plus -15%
Forfait de 3 séances pour 2 zones - 15%
Forfait de 3 séances pour 3 zones et plus - 20%

Tarifs homme

VISAGE Par séance 3 séances*
Barbe Complete (moustache incluse) €100 € 270
Col de Chemise €45 €122
COU €100 €270
Intersourcils €30 €81
Ligne de Barbe €70 € 189
Ligne Frontale €100 €270
Menton €40 € 108
Moustache €60 €162
Nez €40 €108
Nuque €60 €162
Visage entier (sauf sourcils) €100 € 270
BRAS Par séance 3 séances*
Aisselles €80 € 216
Avant-bras €100 € 270
Bras Entiers €150 € 405
Bras Supérieurs (sauf épaules) €80 € 216
Coude €40 € 108
Doigts €45 €122
Mains €45 €122
Épaules €100 €270
CORPS Par séance 3 séances*
Dos - bas €90 € 243
Dos - haut €150 €405
Dos Entier €200 €540
Fesses €150 €405
Ligne Médiane €50 € 135
Maillot Intégral €150 € 405
Maillot Simple €100 € 270
Scrotum €120 € 324
SIF (Sillon Interfessier) €70 € 189
Tétons €50 €135
Torse €100 € 270
Ventre €100 € 270
Verge €90 € 243
JAMBES Par séance 3 séances*
Cuisses €200 €540
Demi-jambes €200 €540
Genoux €40 € 108
Jambes Complètes €350 € 945
Orteils €45 € 122
Pieds €45 € 122
Pour 2 zones -5%
Pour 3 zones et 4 zones -10%
Pour 5 zones et plus -15%
Forfait de 3 séances pour 2 zones - 15%
Forfait de 3 séances pour 3 zones et plus - 20%
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Our experts offer you cutting-edge aesthetic medicine treatments to restore smooth, soft skin that is long-lasting.

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Find us

6 Rue Ampère, 75017 Paris
Paris & Dubai
6 Rue Ampère, 75017 Paris
Festival City, Dubai UAE
Indigo Jouffroy
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Pavillon Monceau
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Jardins de Villiers
18 Rue Claude Pouillet,
75017 Paris, France
Bus 163 20 31
Paris & Dubai
6 Rue Ampère, 75017 Paris
Festival City, Dubai UAE
Bus 163 20 31
Indigo Jouffroy
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Pavillon Monceau
43 Rue Jouffroy d’Abbans,
75017 Paris, France
Hôtel Jardins de Villiers
18 Rue Claude Pouillet,
75017 Paris, France
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