Maison Lutetia
To stimulate growth, soothe the scalp and support wound healing
Light therapy for hair
A treatment with multiple wellness effects.

What is light therapy for hair?

LED technology - Light Emitting Diode - is recognized for its beneficial therapeutic effects on skin inflammation, burns, or stretch marks. Its therapeutic properties promote healing, cell regeneration, and rejuvenation to restore the skin's radiance.

Light therapy or phototherapy improves the signs of baldness and alopecia as the new treatment for hair regrowth by Maison Lutétia DHI. In addition to LED lights' therapeutic action, it optimizes the results of other hair treatments such as hair transplants, mesotherapy, or vitamin B-rich food supplements.

A simple, painless, non-invasive solution, capillary LED slows down abnormal hair loss and stimulates hair growth simultaneously in receding areas. It’s particularly effective for hairline and bald spots in the most common cases.

Light therapy for hair

Light therapy for hair

The LED Capillary treatment is simple. The high-powered diodes emit a cold, colored light that stimulates ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), the energy that’s essential to the proper functioning of all cellular processes.

LED lights also benefit cellular scalp oxygenation, bulbs, and each hair follicle in the treated area. The revitalizing actions from LED hair light intervene at all stages of the hair's life cycle to fight against hair loss and encourage new growth.

More precisely, thanks to hair light therapy, the scalp and hair’s skin cells, which have been weakened and damaged almost to the point of alopecia - the scientific term for baldness - regain a healthy function. On the one hand, oxygenation and cellular energy interactions are restored and improved. On the other hand, sebum production and hormonal sensibility stabilized.  

Therefore, capillary LED is an excellent treatment to regrow hair for men and women who have experienced recent hair loss or thinning. It can be carried out in Paris at the Lutetia DHI clinic as a single treatment or in addition to a hair transplant.

A qui ça s'adresse ?

La luminothérapie par LED capillaire s’adresse aux patients qui souhaitent ralentir la chute de leurs cheveux et en stimuler la croissance. En cas de calvitie, elle est recommandée lorsque celle-ci en est à ses débuts, c’est-à-dire quand des zones commencent à se dégarnir telles que les tempes ou le haut du crâne. Cette méthode est également conseillée en complément d’une greffe capillaire.

Combien ça coute ?

90 € la séance ou 405 € les 5 séances

The purpose

Complements the hair transplant

Light therapy has a very positive effect on hair transplants. Performing a LED treatment during the month after the operation accelerates graft regrowth and regenerates the scalp over the entire treated area.

Combining hair transplant and hair LED is the ideal solution by Maison Lutétia DHI for a complete and optimal hair regrowth treatment, thanks to the complementarity of these two recognized therapeutic procedures.

The regenerative virtues of LED light offer transplanted hair the most fertile ground to grow, oxygenated, and thickened until it regains good capillary health and gives your hair its shine back.

Stimulate hair regrowth

When light therapy is used for hair regrowth, LED light regenerates the scalps’ cells, tones hair fiber, slows hair loss, and stimulates the growth of new follicles.

During light therapy hair growth treatment, adjustable LED panels are precisely positioned a few centimeters away from the affected areas of the head, such as the top of the head or the temples.

At Maison Lutétia DHI, our experts practice capillary light therapy daily, always considering the comfort and satisfaction of each person we accompany on their hair regeneration journey.

Ralentir l'évolution de l'alopécie

Stimulation cellulaire : Les longueurs d'onde spécifiques de la lumière, telles que la lumière rouge ou infrarouge, pénètrent dans le cuir chevelu et atteignent les follicules pileux. Cette exposition à la lumière stimule les mitochondries, souvent appelées les centrales énergétiques des cellules, ce qui augmente leur activité et encourage la production de l'énergie nécessaire à la croissance des cheveux.

La luminothérapie favorise également une meilleure circulation sanguine dans le cuir chevelu, ce qui permet d'apporter plus d'oxygène et de nutriments essentiels aux follicules pileux. Cela crée un environnement optimal pour la santé et la vigueur des cheveux, renforçant les follicules et prévenant leur affaiblissement.

Enfin Les propriétés anti-inflammatoires de la luminothérapie aident à réduire l'inflammation autour des follicules pileux, un facteur commun dans de nombreux problèmes de cheveux, y compris la chute. En diminuant l'inflammation, les follicules peuvent fonctionner plus efficacement, favorisant une croissance saine des cheveux.

La combinaison de ces 3 éléments permet de ralentir éfficacement l'évolution de l'alopécie.

Lutter contre le stress oxydatif

La luminothérapie offre une approche efficace pour lutter contre le stress oxydatif, un phénomène qui contribue au teint terne et au vieillissement prématuré des cellules de la peau et des cheveux en stimulant les cellules cutanées et capillaires à augmenter la production d'antioxydants naturels. Ces antioxydants neutralisent les radicaux libres responsables des dommages cellulaires, favorisant ainsi une peau et des cheveux plus sains et plus jeunes.

La lumière, particulièrement dans les spectres rouge et infrarouge, favorise la régénération cellulaire, aidant à réparer les cellules endommagées par le stress oxydatif. Cela se traduit par une peau plus éclatante et des cheveux plus forts.

The intervention

Step 1

An aesthetic consultation helps us better understand your issue.

Step 2

The LED panels are intentionally placed to target your scalp’s problematic areas.

Zones à traiter

Cliquez sur la zone du corps souhaitée
The scalp refers to the part that covers the skull, with hair implanted in its superficial layer.

Frequently asked questions

How should I space out my LED hair treatments?

1 to 2 sessions per week, depending on the need, for a minimum of 2 months is what we recommend for promoting hair growth through light therapy. For maintenance, following an anti-baldness treatment, and keeping beautiful hair, a rhythm of one LED capillary session per month is appropriate over an indefinite period.

Hair often falls out less after the fourth or fifth light therapy session. Then, regrowth is progressively stimulated, and the hair becomes thicker again.

Is the LED treatment for hair growth painless?

Regrowing hair by exposing the scalp to LED light doesn’t present any side effects, which is why it’s so popular and successful with our patients. LED hair light therapy does not burn or cause redness or itching but rather soothes and repairs.

Non-invasive and completely painless, LED light is delicate, with a soothing and pleasant sensation for our patients. It’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep as if relaxing in a hammock under a beautiful sunset.

Which color LED for which indication?

The LED light colors for a particular wavelength are used to treat and cure various hair and skin issues:

●      The red light activates the scalp inflammation’s healing process;

●      The yellow light has a dual effect. It slows the loss of weakened hair and gives birth to new healthy hair.

Ask for a

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