Maison Lutetia
For effortless contouring, shaping and sculpting
The BodySculpt
Build muscle mass and lose fat quickly.

What is BodySculpt?

BodySculpt is the latest generation device to sculpt the abdominal muscles, shape and lift the buttocks, and tone thighs thanks to high-intensity electromagnetic stimulation.

On which areas?

The stomach, thighs, and buttocks.

Who is it for?

Women and men who want to increase their muscle mass and decrease their fat mass while regaining a shapely figure, defining muscles, and toned skin. This treatment brings an actual physical change to non-athletes and increases gym-goer results.

How often?

Depending on your needs, a protocol of 8 to 12 40-minute sessions twice a week is recommended, with maintenance sessions every 3 to 6 months.

The purpose

Tone muscles

A BodySculpt protocol stimulates the muscles to shape the figure with long lasting results! Depending on the treated area,  the buttocks are lifted, the abdominals are defined, and the thighs are toned. Muscles are quickly toned, and the muscle volume is increased by 16 to 20% after the protocol.

Eliminate excess fat

Muscles become more visible because the BodySculpt protocol significantly reduces the fat mass, and fatty acids stored in the treated areas are evacuated by up to 15 to 20%. Therefore, the figure becomes slimmer and more muscular at the same time.

Better resistance to muscular fatigue

The key to the BodySculpt protocol is also an overall improvement in strength, which leads to better resistance to muscle fatigue. This makes it easier for you to adopt a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, to maintain the results, or to optimize your performance if you are a gym-goer.

The BodySculpt

How does it work?

The electromagnetic waves reach the targeted muscle's motor neurons, creating non-invasive contractions in the muscles. The muscles are stimulated much more intensely than in a typical workout, which promotes muscle mass development. A 30-minute session is equivalent to 30,000 crunches for the stomach and 40,000 squats for a 40-minute session on the buttocks... And you don’t feel any pain!

The intervention

Step 1

During a silhouette consultation, the specialist listens to your problems and determines a treatment plan adapted to your needs, with complementary treatments if necessary, ruling out contraindications and estimating the average number of sessions.

Step 2

The practitioner provides a customized program according to your needs. More or less intense programs can be adapted as the protocol progresses for a progressive and gentle muscle workout. For athletes, a more intense program may be recommended.

Step 3

Time to position the applicator(s) on the treated area. For 20 to 30 minutes, the stimulations will painlessly contract the targeted muscles. During the session, you will be lying down. You can watch your favorite shows, read, listen to music, or scroll through your phone. Then a light massage is performed to relax and comfort the muscles.

Session: 30 to 40 min

Zones à traiter

Cliquez sur la zone du corps souhaitée
The abdomen is an area where fat tends to accumulate, both in men and women.
Depending on your metabolism, it's possible for fat to accumulate in the thighs, resulting in an 'orange peel' appearance.
Over time, cellulite may appear on the buttock, causing a loss of firmness in the process.
Depending on your metabolism, it is possible for fat to be stored in the thighs, displaying a cellulite-like appearance.

Frequently asked questions

Are BodySculpt results permanent?

The results from an electromagnetic wave stimulation protocol (BodySculpt) are long-lasting but not permanent. A healthy lifestyle is recommended to optimize the results with a BodySculpt maintenance session every 3 to 6 months.

Is BodySculpt suitable for athletic people?

Yes, BodySculpt is suitable for athletic people as the device has different levels of stimulation. The treatment allows you to maintain a good level of muscle mass, ideal before or after a period of rest, and work the muscles more intensely before a competition or in addition to training.

Is BodySculpt suitable for people who do not exercise?

If you don't have time to exercise or don't feel like it, BodySculpt helps you to shape your figure effortlessly.

Can I do multiple BodySculpt sessions in the same day?

Yes, doing several BodySculpt sessions in the same day is possible, but only if you want to work on different areas.

What are the differences between medical cryolipolysis and CoolWaves?

Cryolipolysis or Coolsculpting

On one hand, cryolipolysis or coolsculpting is a body contouring treatment that dissolves fatty deposits through cold. At the end of the protocol, you’ll notice that the size of the treated area is vastly reduced.


On the other hand, CoolWaves sends intelligent waves into the skin. They are comparable to heat waves, smoothing the appearance of cellulite and fighting against sagging skin. Ideal for those who consider their skin to be "flabby."

 The BodySculpt

BodySculpt, technology is based on electromagnetic stimulation. It acts mainly on the muscles to tone and shape the treated area.

What can we expect as a result?

No social eviction

The key to an 8 to 12-session protocol is better resistance to muscular fatigue, increased strength, a redefined silhouette, and muscle tone. Depending on the BodySculpt program and the patient's body type, these results also reduce fat mass.

The results are visible 2 to 4 weeks after the last session and are optimized during the following weeks. A healthy lifestyle, with a healthy diet and regular physical activity, are recommended to maintain the results. Also, a maintenance session every 3 to 6 months can be considered.

Why undergo a BodySculpt treatment at Maison Lutétia?

Innovative and efficient technology

The session promises to be intense! The range of frequencies generated by the BodySculpt does not release the muscle tension between two consecutive stimulations, so your muscles are constantly contracted. Unlike the voluntary muscle contractions that occur during a typical workout, the deep contractions induced by the device are not linked to brain function and are therefore, much more effective.

Result: The volume of muscle fibers increases (hypertrophy phenomenon) as well as their number or density (hyperplasia phenomenon). In other words, the silhouette is contoured and toned with evident muscle growth!

 A painless treatment

Although the session is intense, it’s completely painless. A significant benefit compared to a typical workout. The electromagnetic field stimulates the motor neurons to create contractions. Unlike electrical stimulation, it does not activate the nociceptors, the pain receptors! Thus, it’s possible to increase the intensity without gritting your teeth!



Tarifs par séance* TTC Tarifs 3 séances* TTC Tarifs 6 séances* TTC
Abdomen € 300 € 810 € 1530
Cuisses avant 2 cuisses en même temps € 300 € 810 € 1530
Cuisses arrière 2 cuisses en même temps € 300 € 810 € 1530
Fessiers 2 fesses en même temps € 300 € 810 € 1530


Tarifs par séance TTC Tarifs 3 séances TTC
Combi Sculpt A : Cuisses avant et arrière € 500 € 1 350
Combi Sculpt B : Abdomen et Fessiers € 500 € 1 350
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Lack of firmness, sagging, cellulite... There's an aesthetic solution for every indication. Find out more from a Maison Lutétia expert.


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